Jan Richardson

Jan is an artist, writer, and ordained minister in the United Methodist Church. She serves as director of The Wellspring Studio, LLC, and has traveled widely as a retreat leader and conference speaker. With work described by the Chicago Tribune as “breathtaking,” she has attracted an international audience drawn to the spaces of welcome, imagination, and solace that she creates with her words and her art. Jan’s books include The Cure for Sorrow, Night Visions, In the Sanctuary of Women, and her latest release, Sparrow: A Book of Life and Death and Life. She makes her home in Florida.

For more about Jan’s work, visit her primary website at janrichardson.com.

21 Responses to “Jan Richardson”

  1. Dug Says:

    I’m enjoying the Advent messages. Dug

  2. Chuck Peloquin Says:

    It has been a joy traveling through your 25 doors of Advent. Your writing was a continual source of inspiration during my 60th plus Advent journey. Of special inspiration were the doors revealing silence, way making, knocking from the inside, finding a secret room and doing some dreaming with Joseph. My favorites were lectio divina, my favorite kind of prayer, and remembering forward, the thrust of my Advent season this year as I erased the timelines between the Hebrew scriptures and the Christmas story. Your choice of words is also delighful. With gratitude.

  3. Rev. Linda Gard Says:

    Any thought to publishing The Advent Door (images and meditations) as a book? I know–how 20th century. Or perhaps putting it (or a new version for ’08) into some form that churches/individuals could purchase to upload day by day onto their websites or send to their (yes, my) parishoners. I LOVE your images and meditations, and would like to share them with my folks.

    New Gloucester, Maine
    First Congregational-Christian Church, UCC

  4. Jan Richardson Says:

    Linda–many thanks! Yes, as an inveterate lover of the book format, I’m aiming to translate The Advent Door into a book. I don’t have a time line for that yet but hope it will be ready before Advent of year A rolls around again (to be followed by Advent Door books for Year B and Year C). Thanks for also suggesting the possibility of making it available to churches to upload; will give that some thought. Thanks again!

  5. Thalia Woodworth Says:

    Jan, I was checking out your music selections for Advent and Christmas.
    Thanks for your choices. I appreciate the non traditional stuff. It gets me in the mood for Advent/Christmas/Epiphany and the planning of services for the congregation I serve.

    Have you ever heard of Andrew Peterson? He wrote “Behold the Lamb” several years ago! It’s a favorite of mine. He and his band also have an Easter CD called Resurrection Letters II.

    Thanks for your thoughtful blog.


  6. Jan Richardson Says:

    Thanks, Thalia! I wasn’t familiar with Andrew Peterson but just spent some time on his site. Thank you for introducing me to his work.

    I wish you and your congregation many blessings (and good music!) as Advent approaches.

  7. Gertrud Mueller Nelson Says:

    Jan, I like your art work a lot! How nice to bump into it!

  8. Bobbie Smith Says:

    Jan, I am so enjoying reading your blogs. One I continue to think about is the concept of approaching another person as an act of reverence because that person, created in the likeness of God is sacred. What a wonderful examples Mary and Elizabeth’s greeting are of that.
    I am practicing this sacrement of seeing Christ in each encounter this advent…Thanks

  9. Robert Seawell Says:

    Great reflections and insights for one who is on the journey (me)

  10. Colin B Says:

    Hi There great to see the poetic used to stir heart mind and spirit, I’d love to use some of this at events we create. We meet with spiritual people at festivals and solstice gatherings here in Guildford UK.
    Keep going – so good
    Colin @ Eden People

  11. Suzanne Says:

    Your reflection from John and your poem for Christmas Day are stunning. Thank you.

  12. Pam Ostrander Says:

    Found your Advent blog and sent the link off in my Facebook page, Art as Prayer to share with my friends. It is a blessing that you found a church to support your call as a home base. Looking forward to reading and seeing more of your material. Your gift has blessed me. Thank you for sharing.

  13. Kes peniket Says:

    I heard yesterday about the loss of your husband and as a widow of a fine loving man I feel your pain.I have no words that can comfort u only to say God bless and remember there are always people that care.

  14. barb nardi kurtz Says:

    Thank you, Jan! Your first Advent Blesssing is a sign to me that God is present in my pain, and that there is light all ’round if I will open my eyes. I thank God for the gifts you have been given, and for the ways in which you use them.

  15. Carol ALlen Says:

    Hi Jan. I want to thank you for writing such a helpful Advent reading book. Each year I try to find readings that will cause my heart to be prepared to celebrate the birthday of my King. This year, and I can’t remember how, I found yours. While not really ‘arty’ I can and do appreciate the creativity of others. I especially appreciated the Celtic references in today’s (24/12) reading. I love the idea that God is entangling and entwining in and with my life. I like the idea that his entangling and entwining is probably untangling some of the unhelpful tangles.
    My heart is better prepared to rest in the truth of ‘God with us’ not just at this season but in all seasons.
    Thank you again for your thoughtful book.

  16. Elizabeth Appel Says:

    We lost my brother at the end of November. It was a surprise but not a shock. We thought we had another month or so. Your Blessing for the Longest Night has helped my sister and me in our grieving. I shared your post on Facebook so the others (nieces, sister-in-law) may also feel nurtured by your words and art. You are a blessing in this world. Thank you.

  17. Beth Says:

    I am just struck silent by the beauty of your writing on grief and the advent. I don’t have the words adequate to thank you, but I wanted you to know I feel like something in me healed in reading it. I wish you the best.

  18. Hope Stockman Says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with the world. I am so blessed by your offerings.

  19. Daniel Robinson Says:

    I read your poem yesterday and forwarded it to two Methodist ministers who have been a great soul mentor for me ever since I noticed you from afar. Rev. David Dodge introduced me to your father at one of our many Trinity mens group retreats at the Methodist retreat center near Leesburg Florida. Thank you for your inspirational art, poems, and books to souls. Your grief work especially with art has helped many but I wanted to let you know that men continue to be touched by your sacred life.

    It may not fit but I will try to attach an exchange I had with David and Rev. Dan Johnson yesterday. We have followed Father Rohr for many years and his ecumenical sharing, especially about how we are born into eternal goodness.

    David and Dan,

    This morning when I was feeling close to the Spirit, I reflected upon this week. This well known Catholic priest below is stressing the importance of original goodness and that we are loved from the beginning. You both dear friends helped me to recover from the Southern Baptist teachings and their stress upon original sin. Wesley got it right as did both of you.

    I think you both still receive Rohr’s Franciscan daily devotion but I want to draw your attention to a poem at the bottom. It is what started me thinking of y’all. It is written by someone dear to both your hearts and is the first appearance that I am aware of when a Methodist minister’s work has been quoted over all the years that I can recall by this Catholic publication. David, you introduced me to her father at one of your men’s retreats, what a family. Dan you introduced me to soul companioning which introduced me to another spiritual director, Richard Rohr. He is the real deal who I came to know his humility over a meal here in Maine many years ago.

    In the twilight of our years it is good for us to stay in touch through a process that Dan introduced me, something we call Interactive Reflective Journaling. I got to know this lady below was an artist in residence and in the same spiritual direction training program as I long ago. She too is the real deal.

    Thank you for the Divine influence you gave upon my life.

    Divine Blessings and I hope you both have eased as gracefully into retirement as you did making so many friends along the path of your loving souls.


  20. Bruce Lugn Says:


    From your book of Blessings for the Seasons: Circle of Grace I found your Christmas Eve blessing How the Light Comes.

    I am a UMC pastor and will include it as a reading in a Christmas Eve service this coming Friday.

    I have credited it with your name.

    Many thanks and blessings to you at this time
    Bruce Lugn

    • Jan Richardson Says:

      Thank you kindly, Bruce! I am grateful for your words and sending many blessings for you and your congregation as Christmas draws close.

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